What A Waste. (BTS)

'What A Waste.' is a project submitted as part of a grade. What wasn't submitted as part of the grade was a ton of photos taken behind the scenes of my models play-fighting between themselves. These photos were so amusing that I decided to upload a portion of them, unedited, as a BTS.

What A Waste. (BTS)
Two Models Play-Fighting Over A Shirt.

The people I surround myself with.

'What A Waste.' is a project under a client brief, UKIYOs, submitted as part of a grade. What wasn't submitted as part of the grade was a ton of photos taken behind the scenes of my models play-fighting between themselves. These photos were so amusing that I decided to upload a portion of them, unedited, as a BTS.

Context: The two models in this instance are my friends. My very much adult friends. Fighting over a shirt, that one brought to the shoot, and the other was attempting to steal, destroying my set in the process. This was the result.

Note: No models were harmed in the taking of these photos. The same cannot be said for the shirt or my set, however.